
The Moon Illusion

By Grant Ocean

Review of the Conventional Theories

        There have been many theories attempting to explain the world's biggest illusion of all, the Moon illusion. However, most of them have been ruled out over the years. The ones that still have some enduring power are the size contrast theory and the apparent distance theory.        
The size contrast theory states that the perceived size of an object is influenced by its contrast with nearby contextual objects. If the objects in the nearby surrounding context are smaller in contrast, the viewed object is perceived as larger than those without the context; and if the objects in the nearby surroundings are bigger in contrast, the object is perceived as smaller. When we judge the size of an object near the horizon, our perception is influenced by familiar terrestrial objects in the field of view (trees, houses, roads, etc.). We know from everyday experience that many of the recognizable things we see in the distance are quite far away; as a result, the horizon moon is perceived larger. But when our gaze is upwards, we have no reference cues for distance, and judge things near the zenith to be closer than those on the horizon; thus the zenith moon is perceived to be smaller.
        Some experiments already cast doubt on the size contrast theory. For example, the Moon illusion persists even when viewed on a dark night on a featureless plain, on the ocean, and even by airline pilots flying high above clouds. In those situations we either cannot see the so-called reference cues for distance or no reference cue exists at all. So reference objects of known size aren't the only basis for the illusion. Also, the Moon illusion disappears when you bend down and look upside-down at the moon between your legs. In this case all the distant reference objects that are supposed to influence our perception of the larger horizon moon are basically intact when you view them upside-down. This is a very difficult phenomenon to be explained away by the size contrast theorists. Actually, it is a phenomenon that can destroy any theory that cannot adequately explain it. This is probably the most important observation that has motivated me to look for a better explanation for the Moon illusion over the years. Therefore, this phenomenon deserves a fuller discussion later in the article.
        Besides the above experiments, the discussions in the previous article have already had enough arguments against the size contrast theory. Here I am going to discuss it only briefly. Let's look again at the picture on the left below. The zenith moon on the right has all the distant reference objects visible such as trees, pole, etc. with which the moon can be compared. But the zenith moon is still perceived to be smaller, unaffected by the nearby reference objects. The figure on the right below demonstrates convincingly that the left central circle appearing smaller is not due to the size of the surrounding objects because they are the same size as the surrounding circles of the larger-looking central circle on the right. The determining factor is the visual field volume! In my opinion, this modified Ebbinghaus illusion figure is more than enough to refute the size contrast theory.


        The second theory is the apparent distance theory which is the older of the two theories and is more popular. As a matter of fact, the apparent distance theory is more often than not the explanation for the Moon illusion in the textbooks. Basically, the theory holds that the perceived distance to the moon at the horizon is greater than that to the zenith moon. The figure below shows how the horizon moon's greater perceived distance could cause it to be perceived as larger. As shown in the figure below, regardless of its elevation, the distance between an observer (at the center of the horizontal line) and the moon remains constant (unfilled circles). However, a moon perceived as growing closer as its elevation increases (filled circles), must appear as growing smaller. This figure illustrates a version of the theory in which the perceived size of the moon is proportional to its perceived distance, a relationship known as Emmert's law.

        Since we have already discussed Emmert's law in the last article, let's spend some time on this version of the theory, i.e., Emmert's law and the apparent distance theory. As far as the proportional relationship between the perceived size of objects and the perceived distance is concerned, it has been already refuted effectively in the last article. There is no need to discuss that again. I am going to critique this version of the theory from another perspective. I think that the constant retinal size of the afterimages and the moons of various elevations is the starting point for the apparent distance theorists to use Emmert's law to explain the Moon illusion. They believe that the afterimage is burnt onto the retina temporarily, just like an image on the film. There is no way for the retinal afterimage to change size unless our brain intervenes to alter the perceived size in the visual cortex. The projected afterimage on a surface is not the projection of the retinal image itself, but the outcome of the brain's intervention. What happens is that our brain uses all kinds of distance cues to figure out the distance between the surface and our eye and then uses the perceived distance to "magnify" the retinal afterimage in the visual cortex, so we can perceive a larger afterimage on a farther surface. If this is true, then the figure above will make sense. The actual distance of the moons of various elevations becomes irrelevant. Since the retinal afterimage size is constant, all our brain needs is the information about the distance in order to ensure the consistency of perceived size and distance. If our brain believes the sky is shaped like a dome represented by the curved line connecting the filled circles, the perceived size of the moons should correspond to the relative distances as shown by the filled circles in the figure above.
        However, I have found out that the projected afterimages are not in the brain only, they are real projections in the outside world, like movies projected onto a screen by a movie projector, though it sounds very strange (see the last article for details). The proof is that we have to converge our eyes physically on the far projection to perceive the larger afterimage and we cannot do so through a tube. If our brain simply makes use of the distance information to amplify the constant retinal image, then the tube should not be able to prevent it from doing so. Somebody might protest that the tube could obscure many distance cues to make the distance more indeterminate. I would say that you can include as many distance cues as possible within the view field of the tube, and results will always be the same, that is, the distance has no effect on the perceived afterimages at all. The afterimages are always perceived to be the same size while viewing through a tube no matter where the projections are. If the perceived moon size is indeed similar to the projected afterimage, it does not matter whether the moons are at the positions of the filled circles, unfilled circles, or even further away because they will be perceived as the same no matter how faraway or how close they are from our eye while viewed through a tube. As long as the retinal image is constant, the distance between the moons and the eye is inconsequential. A faraway projection of the afterimage can be perceived as smaller if viewed through a tube; and a closer projection of the afterimage can be perceived as larger if viewed without the tube.
        It is a common experience that the horizon moon and the zenith moon look the same when we view them through a tube. This constant retinal image size of the moons of various elevations is also demonstrated by using a ruler, a coin, your thumb, a telescope, a camera, etc. For instance, it is suggested to choose a coin of certain size to match the size of the horizon moon at extended arm position and then to cover the zenith moon with the same coin at the same position; you will find that the both moons have the same size. Also, a double-exposure photograph of the horizon moon and the zenith moon shows that the two moon images have the same diameter on the film (and a print) because it is believed that the angle the endpoints of the moon's diameter subtend at a camera lens remains the same. All these methods of proving that the horizon moon and the zenith moon are the same size on our retina have one thing in common, i.e., a fixed converging point. (Please read The Ames Room Illusion for details.) As long as we can move the converging point closer to the viewed target, it will be perceived as larger. The fact that the horizon moon is slightly farther away from us is inconsequential, as said before. That the horizon moon is perceived as larger is because we can converge our eyes more closely on the horizon moon than the zenith moon. On the other hand, the conventional interpretations of viewing the horizon moon through a tube are twofold. One is that the "horizon effect" disappears when we look at the horizon moon through a tube because the tube obscures any familiar reference objects so that we do not have direct comparison with reference objects of known size anymore. Another interpretation is that the tube provides a visually dominating reference object already judged to be "near". These interpretations on the basis of the size contrast theory have already been refuted earlier and in the previous articles.
        All versions of the apparent distance theory have to deal with the so-called "size-distance paradox". The paradox is that the larger-looking horizon moon, according to the apparent distance theory, is due to the longer perceived distance, and the observers are required to say the horizon moon "looks larger and farther away"; but for most people the larger-looking horizon moon either looks about the same distance away as the zenith moon, or, more often than not, it looks closer than the zenith moon. To resolve this obvious paradox, it is suggested that there are two separate mechanisms at work in the perception of size and distance. First, our brain generates the apparent distance from various cues to distance available in the visual scene, including relative size, perspective and image overlap etc. and then employs the perceived distance to an object to generate a size percept of the viewed object. Next, our brain does the following logic reasoning: (1) the horizon sky is further away, so the horizon moon is further away; (2) the further away horizon moon looks larger, which acts as cue for its apparent distance, thus the horizon moon looks nearer. My response to this explanation of two separate mechanisms is simple. To say it further and also nearer at the same time is against the laws of thought: A and not-A, either A or -A. You can perceive A or -A at a time, but you cannot perceive both A and -A at the same time. If you insist that you first perceive A (a further distance) and then use the information from A to deduce -A (a nearer distance), we can assume that our brain does have such mechanisms and can actually do it. In so doing, our brain would be very busy with solving such sort of conflicts just for the Moon illusion alone. For example, apart from looking further and nearer, the horizon moon also looks dimmer because it seems further away and brighter because it appears nearer. Similarly, the horizon moon looks both blurred and clearer; both smoother and rougher; both weaker and stronger in gravitational force; both reachable and unreachable; both colder and warmer; both less and more powerful; and so forth. I think this explanation complicates things even more and it is not parsimonious; therefore it is less possible to be true.
        All versions of the apparent distance theory are based on the notion that the horizon moon is effectively at a greater perceptual distance than the elevated moon. Apparent distance theories presume that perceiving the size of the moon involves the same mechanisms as those involved in perceiving the sizes of ordinary objects. Accurate perception of an object's size regardless of its distance is referred to as size constancy. Because the angular size of an object is inversely proportional to its distance (Euclid's law), size constancy is possible only if distance is taken into account. These are conventional understandings of the perceived size and distance. I have already effectively challenged these positions in the previous articles. All I want to say now is simply that the distance between objects and the eye is inconsequential for size constancy; for instance, we cannot maintain size constancy of an object (e.g., our moving hand) while viewing it through a tube or any fixed converging point, even though we know fully the distance of the object from us. Once we focus on the object, we do not need to pay attention to the distance and size constancy will be maintained. In sum, the apparent distance theory is inadequate to explain the Moon illusion.


The Moon Illusion Index


     Nanavati, S. (2009). A history and experimental analysis of the moon illusion. The New School Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 1.
     Trehub, A. (1991). The Cognitive Brain. MIT Press.     

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